Women Without Violence International Foundation (Fondation Internationale Femmes Sans Violences) (WWVIF), France, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Albania
Pangea Foundation, Italy
RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation, (Fondation RAJA-Danièle Marcovici), France
Portuguese Women Jurists Association, (Associação Portuguesa de Mulheres Juristas) (APMJ) Portugal
The European Observatory on Femicide (EOF), Europe
Feminoteka Foundation, (Fundacja Feminoteka), Poland
Counselling Line for Women and Girls (CLWG), Albania
Gender Alliance for Development Center, Albania
Sampark – Bangalore, India
Shirakat – Partnership for Development, Pakistan
Alternative and Response Women Association (União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta) (UMAR), Portugal
We are NOT Weapons of War, (Nous ne sommes PAS des Armes de Guerre), Eliminating sexual violence linked to conflicts and crises, France
Women’s Rights Advocates and Advisory Association, (WRAAA), Norway
Françoise Brié, President and founding member of WWVIF, former member of GREVIO 2015-2023 and of the High Council for Equality between women and men, France
Simona Lanzoni, Vice-president PANGEA foundation, founding member of WWVIF, former member of GREVIO 2015-2023, Italy
Helena Leitão, Prosecutor General of High Court of Lisbon, founding member of WWVIF, former member of GREVIO 2015-2023, Portugal
Prof Marceline Naudi, Academic (University of Malta) and activist, founding member of WWVIF, former member of GREVIO 2015-2023, Malta
Assoc. Prof. Iris Luarasi, Director CLWG,founding member of WWVIF, former member of GREVIO 2015-2023, Albania
Prof. Feride Acar, Former President of GREVIO and Former Chairperson of UN CEDAW, Turkey
Mirela Arqimandriti, Executive Director, Gender Alliance for Development Centre (GADC), Albania
Céline BARDET, Jurist and international criminal investigator, Specialist in war crimes and sexual violence linked to conflicts and crises, France
Monia Ben Jemia, Jurist, Tunisia
Alice Bordaçarre, Head of the Women’s Rights Office and gender equality desk of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), France
Kira Borg, Victim Support Malta, Malta
Albertina das Neves, Judge, East-Timor
Kuhu Das, Disability & Gender Consultant, India
Renata Gil de Alcantara Videira, Counsellor of the Brazilian National Council of Justice (CNJ), Brazil
Rachel Eapen Paul, Retired Policy director on gender-based violence and domestic violence, Office of the Equality and Anti- discrimination, Former GREVIO member 2018-2022, Norway
Maria Edith Lopez Hernandez, Afro-Mexican feminist lawyer, Mexico
Luz Patricia Mejía Guerrero, CIM Principal Expert, MESECVI Technical Secretariat, Inter-American Commission of Women, Organization of American States, Venezuela
Dr. Nagham Nawsat Hasan, Gynaecologist, Human rights defender, Iraq
Katarzyna Nowakowska, Coordinator of the Warsaw Rape Crisis Centre, Poland
Maria Perquilhas, Judge of High Court of Evora, Portugal
Catia Pontedeira, Professor in Criminology at the University of Maia and of Minho, Portugal
Sophie Pouget, Gender Equality & Human Rights Senior Specialist, France
Elisa Samuel, High Court Judge and Director of Centre for Legal and judicial training, Mozambique
Jhuma Sen, Advocate, Calcutta High Court and Global Fellow, Centre for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies, Brown University, India
Wanja J. Sæther, President, Women’s Rights Advocates and Advisory Association (WRAAA), Norway
Dr. Smita Premchander, Founder & Secretary of Sampark, India
Coordination française pour le Lobby Européen (CLEF) (73 associations)
Ensemble Contre le Sexisme (ECLS) (39 associations)
Fédération nationale GAMS (Mutilations Sexuelles féminines et Mariages forcés)
Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes (FNSF) (81 associations)
Femmes Solidaires (190 associations)
Agir contre les violences faites aux femmes (ACV2F)
Aide Humanitaire et Journalisme (AHJ) (France)
Assemblée des Femmes (AdF) (France)
Centrale Supelec au féminin
Cercle Olympe de Gouges
Femmes Avec
Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA)
Femmes ici et ailleurs
Femmes du Monde et Réciproquement (FMR)
Ligue des Femmes Iraniennes pour la Démocratie- LFID
Réussir l’Egalité Femmes Hommes (REFH)
Réseau Féministe Ruptures
Albanian Centre for Family Development
Albanian Center for Population and Development
Another Vision
Association Une Gruaja, Pogradec
AWEN – Albanian Women Empowerment Network
Center for Community Development “Today for the Future”
Center for Legal Civic Initiatives
Counselling Line for Men and Boys
Different & Equal
Edlira Haxhiymeri Shelter Center
Environment and Community Organization
Institute of Romani Culture
Korce, Youth Congress
LGBTI+ Alliance
National Center for Community Services (NCCS)
Network for Women’s Democracy WDN
Opportunity Balance and Overcoming, Rreshen
Parent’s Hand Association
Roma Women Rights Center
Social Contract Institute
The Albanian Committee of Helsinki
Tirana Legal Aid Society, TLAS
Women’s Center “Easy Steps”
Women’s counselling center and social services in Kukes
Lusophony Culture and Citizenship Association (ALCC)
ADIFEVEA World (Action de Développement Intégral pour la Femme Veuve, l’Enfant Abandonné et le Jeune)
Réseau actif pour la protection et l’assistance aux personnes déplacées internes RAPAP
EuroMedRights Network
The largest and most active network of human rights organizations in the Euro-Mediterranean region – 68 organizations from 30 countries
Coordination of Italian Women in Frankfurt, Berlin, Netherlands, DICA (Italian Women Coordination Hamburg), Leipzig Visible Women,
Casa Internazionale delle donne-International House of Women, Rome
Italian Medical Women’s Association National Coordination
L.A.I.G.A.194 – Free Association Italian Gynaecologists for the Application of Law 194/78
PartecipArte Association
Rete per la Parità Association – APS
UDI Unione donne in Italia – Italian coordination and secretary
Young Women Network national coordination
A.I.D.E. – European Women’s Independent Association (Matera, Basilicata)
ALEF – APS (Associazione Leadership & Empowerment Femminile – Association for Social Promotion), (Rome, Lazio)
Ande Section of Potenza and States General of Women of Basilicata
Basilicata Creativa ETS – (Matera, Basilicata)
Soroptimist Club Matera
DOMNA Association- Padua (Veneto)
FILDIS Italian Federation of High School Graduates
Hospital and Territorial Pole ASST Brianza-Mi (Lombardia)
L’Abbraccio del Mediterraneo ets association (Lazio)
Multiethnic anti-racist women’s association AMAD aps (Ancora, Marche)
UDI Catania
UDI Forli’ APS
Union Donne – UDI Modena APS
UDI Women’s Union in Italy – Cadoneghe (Padova)
Zonta Club Matera
La Luna (Latiano, Brindisi, Puglia)
Artemisia Gentileschi Prov. Di Cosenza (Calabria)
Butterfly social cooperative, Brescia, Lombardia
‘Donne Insieme’ ODV -ETS – Anti-Violence Centre ‘Renata Fonte’ (Lecce, Puglia)
Demetra social cooperative, – Avellino (Campania)
Erinna – Women against violence to women- Anti-Violence Centre (Viterbo, Lazio)
Forum Donne Amelia APS association, Umbria
G.I.R.A.F.F.A (Gruppo Indagine Resistenza Alla Follia Femminile), (Bari, Puglia)
‘Giù le mani’ La Bitta society social cooperative ONLUS, Domodossola, Piemonte
GiuridicaMente Libera association, Rome, Lazio
Il Filo di seta, Vittoria (Ragusa, Sicily)
Ipso Facto Sportello antiviolenza (Modica, Syracuse, Sicily)
Mittatron – (Bresso, Milan, Lombardia)
National Anti-Violence Network ‘Frida Kahlo’ APS ETS, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Sicily
On the Road social cooperative, Ascoli Piceno, Marche
Penelope and APS- Kyanos, Viterbo, Lazio
Pink Project APS ETS (Capo d’Orlando, Sicily)
Polo9 Soc. Coop. Soc. Impr. Soc. – (Ancona, Marche)
Ponte Donna association – (Lazio)
Prospettiva Donna aps association (Olbia, Sardinia)
Randi Association – (Livorno)
Somaschi Onlus Foundation (Milan, Lombardia)
Telefono Rosa Treviso OdV (Veneto)
Aditus, Accessing Rights
Fidem Foundation
Women for Women Foundation
Women Rights Foundation
The Mozambican Association for Health and Environment (Associação Moçambicana para Saúde e Ambiente-AMOSA)
Mozambican Association of Women in Legal Careers – AMMCJ
Women and Development Association (MULEIDE)
The Norwegian Association for Women’s Rights (Norsk Kvinnesaksforening, NKF)
Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights
31 associations
Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violência (AMCV)
Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens (REDE)
Aliança para a Democracia Paritária (ADP)
Associação Democrática de Defesa dos Interesses e da Igualdade das Mulheres (ADDIM)
Associação Contra o Femicídio
Mulher Século XXI – Associação de Desenvolvimento e Apoio às Mulheres
Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Mulheres Ciganas Portuguesas (AMUCIP)
Associação de Mulheres Cabo-verdianas na Diáspora em Portugal (AMCDP)
Associação Mén Non – Associação das Mulheres de São Tomé e Príncipe em Portugal
Associação Mulheres na Arquitectura
Associação Mulheres Sem Fronteiras
Associação P de Potência (APP)
Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres (APEM)
Associação Portuguesa pelos Direitos das Mulheres na Gravidez e no Parto
Associação Projecto Criar
Associação Ser Mulher
Fundação Cuidar o Futuro
Inspiring Girls Portugal
SERES – Associação de mulheres infetadas e afetadas pelo VIH
Soroptimist International Clube de Évora
Soroptimist International Clube Lisboa Fundador
Akto – Direitos Humanos e Democracia
BasN – Business as Nature – Associação para a produção e o consumo sustentável e a economia circular
Cooperativa SEIES – Sociedade de Estudos e Intervenção em Engenharia Social
EOS – Associação de Estudos, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento
Fundação para o Desenvolvimento e Formação Profissional de Miranda do Corvo
NECI-PT: Rede de Multiplicadores dos Valores Europeus
Paramédicos de Catástrofe Internacional)
FEM – Associação Feministas Em Movimento
BALODIREN Association
Associação Cultural Moinho da Juventude
P Power Association APP
Association of Women’s Studies – APEM (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres)
SOS Racismo
Associação Plano i
Sandra Aparecida Silvestre de Frias Torres- Court of Justice of the State of Rondonia – Brazil
Racinan Viana Macedo, Lusophony Culture and Citizenship Association (ALCC)
Gabriela Belaid, President of Centrale Supelec au féminin and President of the Cercle Olympe de Gouges
Claudia Belli
Frances Guy, President of Aide humanitaire et journalisme (Humanitarian Aid and Journalism)
Gilles Lazimi, doctor
Naïra Meliava, Managing Director, Association Oppelia
Isabelle Steyer, specialist lawyer for women victims of violence
Naky Sy Savané, actress, President of the African Women’s Collective against excision and traditional violence
Helia Dias
Martina Avanza – legal representative of GAPP Project – Gender in Action for Politics and Public Policies – Brescia (Lombardy)
Tina Bali – Metes Foundation
Lara Benetti – REAMA network Legal Group
Manuela Borriello
Luigia Caponi- cfondatrice di NED-New European Dream
Debora Carofiglio,
Carla Eleonora Ciccone – Gynaecologist (Avellino)
Marcella Corsi – Professor of Political Economy and Responsible for MinervaLab Sapienza
Maria Cristalli – Ceo Founder of Cristalli Marketing
Pietro Demurtas – National Research Council-IRPSS
Paola Dolfi,
Alessandra Fantin – REAMA network Legal Group
Giorgia Fattinnanzi – Responsible for the fight against gender-based violence CGIL Nazionale
Alberta G. Gandini – the Councillor for Equality of the Province of Monza and Brianza and Lawyer
Elisa Giusti – Coordinator of anti-violence services for the social cooperative Il Faro – Macerata, Marche Region
Maria Rosaria Famoso, coordinator of anti-violence center Demetra- Italie
Wendy Harcourt – Professor of Gender, Diversity and Sustainable Development. International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam
Alessandra Menelao – mobbing and stalking listening centre against all forms of violence UIL
Barbara Pezzini – Professor of Constitutional Law University of Bergamo
Raffaella Postiglione – Association of Women Lawyers Italy – Matera section
Elvira Reale – Women’s Health Association, APS
Antonietta Riccardo – Postdoctoral Research Fellow. CNR-Irpps
Alessia Sorgato – REAMA network Legal Group
Valeria Tevere – REAMA network Legal Group
Daniela Tobaldini – Training table coordinator Artemide Network; Coordinatrice tavolo formazione Rete Artemide – Monza and Brianza
Angela Maria Toffanin, CNR-IRPPS
Glória Alves, Public Prosecutor
Sofia Alexandra Alves Vaz Correia Canelhas
Susana Bicho, journalist
Elisabete Brasil, Researcher and Eige expert
Ângela Bronze, deputy attorney general at the Court of Appeal of Guimarães
Teresa Cabral, Public Prosecutor
Leonor Caldeira, Portugal, Human rights lawyer
Maria Alexandra Dias Caldeira
Mafalda de Oliveira Rodrigues, Portugal, Feminist Group of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon
Ana Sofia Fernandes, President, Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights
Susana Figueiredo, delegate of the European Prosecutor
Sílvia Gaspar, Public Prosecutor
Conceição Henriques, Portugal, councillor
Camila Iglesias, Researcher in Victimology and GBV at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice (CIJ – Faculty of Law of the University of Porto) and at Alternative and Response Women’s Association (UMAR)
Maria João Faustino, researcher
Ana Sá Lopes, journalist
Raquel Motta, P Power Association
Raquel Pacheco Mello Cunha P Power Association
Carla Palmieri, Portugal, Public Prosecutor
Alda Pinheiro, Public Prosecutor
Renata Ribeiro – P Power Association
Isabel Seres, Seres Association
Lisa Vicente, doctor gynaecologist
Dr Sabine Agius Cabourdin, founder Fidem Foundation founder
Elaine Compagno, general manager, Women for Women Foundation
Lara Dimitrijevic, director, women rights foundation
Angele Galea, member of Malta Women’s Lobby